Dr. Pragathi Kaushal

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Dr. Pragathi Kaushal, a doctor in medicine, provides Pro Bono professional services to the poor and elderly. She has been associated with NGOs, working for small peasants, pastoralists, tribes, Dalits, and women from marginalized communities, counseling and organizing health awareness programs on the ill-effects of usage of chemical pesticides on women’s reproductive organs and on their mental health, in rural areas of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh

Pragathi has also been actively involved in AIDS awareness programs organized by different women’s groups, and Dalit Weavers’ Association in Andhra Pradesh, giving talks on general hygiene and simple remedies for minor ailments. She has also worked with cancer patients, instilling hope, providing guidance, support, and motivation to improve their psychological conditions.

From 2016 onwards till the pandemic, she was helping female patients in Regional Mental Hospital Yerwada through counseling, keeping them engaged into various activities including drawing, stitching, yoga, fun games etc.


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