Swa-Madatichya Watevaruni Chalat Asata Vishvasane
Success stories of user survivors compiled by Meenakshi.
Available In Language – Marathi
On the occasion of 17th anniversary of SAA, success stories of user survivors were narrated by them in person; those are presented in this book. Medication and counselling are common in the path to recovery. Various other activities including talk therapy, arts based therapy, dance movement therapy also help. Success stories emphasize importance of discovering strengths within oneself, recording the activities, importance of ventilation and sharing, learning to ignore unwanted issues and engaging oneself in creative activities etc.
Price: Rs. 80
Postage and handling charges-in Maharashtra – Rs.30, out of Maharashtra – Rs.50
Apangatvacha Dakhala
Compiled by Amrit Kumar Bakhshy.
Translation: Kadambari Kulkarni.
Available In Languages- Marathi,English
Mental Illness is one of the disabilities included in the Rights of Persons with Disability Act 2016. Mentally ill persons can avail of facilities provided by the State and the Central Government for the disabled, only provided they have the disability certificate. The booklet provides the information about this law and about how to get the disability certificate.
Price: Rs. 30, also available in English
Postage and handling charges-in Maharashtra - Rs.30, out of Maharashtra - Rs.50
Pratibimb Manishache
Poems by the late Manisha Deshpande.
Available In Language - Marathi
Manisha, a service user was attending SAA‘s Rehab Centre since its inception. She was fond of writing poems. The agonies suffered by Manisha and her family are described in her poems. Manisha was expressive, optimistic, and sensitive. She believed that sufferings were inseparable part of life and she must fight the storms with smile, courage and strength. These poems are inspiring for service users and families.
Price: Rs. 30,
Postage and handling charges-in Maharashtra - Rs.30, out of Maharashtra - Rs.50