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SAA’s Ekalavya Group


  • Ekalavya is a volunteer-run, self-help support group – not a therapy group.
  • We do not provide any medical services.
  • While we support and learn from each other, we are not a substitute for professional care.
  • Ekalavya self-help support group is facilitated by trained volunteers.
  • We encourage shubharthis and shubhankars to take up responsibility which they can cope with.
  • Professionals are invited to talk on topics of interest to shubhankars.
  • Voluntary donations defray cost of organizing self-help group meetings and awareness programmes. Individuals and institutions from all over India and, at times from abroad, affirm their belief in the cause of MH restoration by their generous gestures.
  • We strongly believe that 'In unity lies multiplied strength'. So we network with other MH organizations and individuals at the national and international levels.
  • We believe that the cycle of care is complete when a rehabilitated shubharthi is functional and back into the mainstream.
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